Natascha Niederstrass


Born in Montreal, Canada. Lives and works in Montreal, Canada.

Natascha Niederstrass was born in 1973 in Montreal, where she lives and works. She has a bachelor’s in visual arts from Concordia University, and a master’s in the same discipline from York University in Toronto. Her works have been presented in several solo and group shows in galleries and artist centres in Quebec, Ontario, and France.

Solo exhibition


The Vanishing Woman/Escamotage d’une femme, 2021, Photographic installation.

With The Vanishing Woman/Escamotage d’une femme, Niederstrass surveys the disappearance of the female body in nineteenth-century magic performances, casting a critical eye on this historical trope by drawing parallels with perceptions of women today. Niederstrass presents a new series created during her residency at VU. The artist allies photography and sculpture in a number of formal variations presented in a shadowy setting. The variations on the motif invite viewers to reflect on the insidious violence inherent in mechanisms that render invisible or dehumanize the female body.

Discover the artist

Natascha Niederstrass
Canada, Montréal