Meredith James


Meredith James lives and works in New York City, where she was born. She has a BA from Harvard University and an MFA from Yale University. She has been awarded numerous fellowships, notably from the Queens Museum, Socrates Sculpture Park, the Vermont Studio Center, the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, and Sculpture Space.

Public Art


Four Frames, 2022, installation.

Meredith James creates spaces that are ambiguous yet strangely familiar due to their incorporation of domestic elements. The immersive sculpture Four Frames sparks this sense of recognition with a trompe-l’oeil painted set. The installation consists of a series of partitions configured into concentric squares with doors to allow visitors to pass through. Only once the successive rooms are entered is the subterfuge revealed and visitors gradually become aware of the physical impossibility of the space that is painted.

Découvrez l'artiste

Meredith James
New York